

At PIL, we are committed to environmental stewardship in our industry.

We minimise our ecological footprint by adopting lower-carbon energy sources, investing in green technologies, and adhering to international environmental standards. Our strategies drive economic growth while preserving the environment. Every nautical mile we sail is a step towards a healthier planet.


We have set the target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, in alignment with the decarbonisation goals of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

As the risks of global warming accelerates and manifests as a potential threat multiplier, we have included climate risks as part of our overall risk management approach and risk universe, with the intention of systematically exploring, evaluating, and assessing the possible effects of climate change on PIL’s operations and the environment and to guide on our mitigation and adaptation strategies to manage these risks.  

We are currently pursuing a decarbonisation strategy for our fleet and operations. At the same time, we have also adopted various improvements to our vessels with the aim of making them more energy efficient and hence emit less greenhouse gases.

Our long-term decarbonisation approach will focus on the 3 key levers of:

Enhancing fleet operations efficiency

Optimising vessel operations is a critical step in PIL’s pursuit to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Our Centre for Maritime Efficiency (CME) capitalizes on digital innovation to ensure our ships are managed with optimal energy efficiency. By monitoring our fleet movements in real-time, the CME ensures timely arrivals, engages in thorough route analysis, and conducts traffic optimisation to enhance the productivity of our vessel operations while concurrently reducing GHG emissions.

Harnessing of energy efficiency technologies

Improving energy efficiency means doing the same work with less fuel, reducing our carbon footprint, and promoting a more sustainable shipping industry. We’re investing in energy efficiency technologies (EETs) to cut fuel consumption and lower emissions. These investments are commercially viable as fuel savings often cover the costs over the asset’s useful life.

Starting in late 2024, we’ll retrofit our S-class vessels with Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF) and pre-swirl vanes. This is just the beginning, as we continue to explore and install more EETs to enhance our fleet for a greener future.

Investing in green fuel and fleet transition

PIL is stepping into green fuel transition with the purchase of 8 LNG dual-fuel container vessels. These vessels will have ammonia-ready fuel tanks, preparing them for future conversion to run on ammonia. The first of these vessels is set for delivery by 4Q 2024.

We’re also exploring other new builds and configurations, including methanol-based propulsion. We believe in a financially responsible, technologically agnostic approach to fuel transition, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of sustainable shipping.


se the critical importance of air quality in our environmental management approach. As a responsible maritime operator, we are committed to minimising our environmental footprint and impact on the well-being of our planet and of stakeholders.

Our approach to managing air quality is guided by three core principles:

Compliance with International Standards

We adhere strictly to the IMO’s regulations, including the use of low-sulphur fuel and the implementation of energy-efficient operational measures. This ensures that our vessels meet the highest standards for emissions and contribute to cleaner air.

Innovation and Technology

We invest in technologies and solutions to reduce harmful emissions. These include the use of emissions management technologies as well as the adoption of alternative fuels which result in cleaner emissions to enable us to manage the impact of our operations on air quality and contribute to environmental stewardship.

Continuous Improvement

Our commitment to air quality is an ongoing journey. As part of our ISO 14001 policy and vessel SEEMPs (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan), we regularly review our practices, engage with stakeholders, and adopt further measures to further improve on our air emission levels.

PIL is an advocate for greener shipping practices and policies and is committed to contributing to cleaner air and a healthier planet to meet and exceed the expectations of our stakeholders and the communities which we operate at.


We recognise that effective waste management and the adoption of circularity principles are crucial to sustainable operations in the container shipping industry.

Our approach is rooted in the belief that sustainability extends beyond mere compliance; it is about creating a regenerative cycle that minimises waste and maximises resource efficiency.

We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint by going beyond compliance and implementing strategies that encompass reducing, reusing, and recycling waste generated from our operations, by aligning to the following principles:

Minimisation of Waste

We strive to reduce waste generation across our shipping and office operations, implementing strict waste sorting and reduction practices. For example, by providing water filtration equipment as part of onboard amenities, we reduce the quantity of single use plastic bottles we use.

Recycling and Reuse

Materials that can be recycled or reused are identified and processed accordingly, reducing the need for new resources and minimising our environmental footprint.

Circular Economy Integration

By embracing circular economy principles, we aim to design out waste and keep products and materials in use for as long as possible, thus contributing to a more sustainable future.


We recognise that biodiversity and ecological protection are essential to the health of our planet and the well-being of future generations. As a responsible corporate citizen, PIL integrates these principles into our sustainability management approach, ensuring that our operations harmonise with the natural world.

PIL seeks to extend our efforts beyond merely compliance with regulations; we believe that protecting the earth’s diverse ecosystems is not only an ethical obligation but also a business imperative that enhances our resilience and competitiveness as we face a rapidly warming world.

Recognising the intricate connection between healthy ecosystems and thriving maritime trade, PIL adheres to the following core principles that guide our efforts to achieve these objectives:

Reducing operational impact on marine ecosystems

This involves the implementation of onboard technological applications and practices that minimise pollution and reduce the risk of unintentional invasive species transport, including the implementation of sound ballast water management.  

Promoting awareness on ecological issues

As part of a holistic approach to this issue, PIL is dedicated to promoting awareness and education on ecological issues within our industry. By fostering a culture of sustainability, we encourage our employees and partners to make informed decisions that benefit the environment.

Supporting biodiversity and ecological protection

As an extension of PIL’s approach towards creating positive impacts at the communities we operate in, we have included amongst our priorities, the conserving and improving of the natural environment, with a particular focus on the marine environment, by seeking and contributing to projects that protect and improve the marine ecosystem.